Madrona Tree Information

Images of Madrona:

Madrona grows in the following 6 states and provinces:

British Columbia, California, Colorado, Maine, Oregon, Washington

Information about Madrona:

More information about Madrona may be found here.

The Arbutus Menziesii is commonly known as the Madrona, Madrone, Madrono as well as Pacific Madrone.

The currently accepted scientific name of Pacific madrone is Arbutus menziesii Pursh. There are no recognized varieties or forms . Of the three North American species belonging to the Arbutus genus, Pacific madrone is the only member distributed along the West Coast .

Pacific madrone occupies coastal lowlands from Vancouver Island, British Columbia, southward to the Coast Ranges of southern California and occurs in isolated groves as far south as Mexico .  Pacific madrone is particularly common west of the Cascades in Washington and Oregon .  Along the western slope of the Sierra Nevada, Pacific madrone has a scattered distribution, extending southward to central California .

Pacific madrone is a seral component of a number of forested, woodland, and chaparral communities .  Within mixed-evergreen forests, madrone often codominates the hardwood subcanopy with canyon live oak (Quercus chrysolepis) . Published classifications listing Pacific madrone as a dominant part of the vegetation in community types or plant associations are presented below. Area                    Classification         Authority OR, WA                  gen veg cts            Franklin & Dyrness 1973 OR: Umpqua River Basin  gen veg pas            Smith 1985 s. CA                   gen veg pas            Paysen & others 1980

Some of the information provided here is attributed to:McMurray, Nancy E. 1989. Arbutus menziesii. In: Fire Effects Information System, [Online]. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory (Producer). , available at the USDA Fire Effects Information System (FEIS) website